
Public History Service API Documentation

This REST API is designed to provide data about the public history of users who are using the Drahten application.


This API uses a JWT token provided by the Authentication Service for authentication and authorization. The token must be included in every request routed to this API, typically in the Authorization header. The request must have the headers:

  "Authorization": "Bearer <jwtToken>"

Allowed endpoints:

Allowed Endpoints

Endpoints description

Get all commented articles by a user.

Endpoint: GET publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/commented-articles/

Get all searched articles by a user.

Endpoint: GET publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-articles/

Get all searched topics by a user.

Endpoint: GET publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-topics/

Get all viewed articles by a user.

Endpoint: GET publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/viewed-articles/

Get all viewed users by a user.

Endpoint: GET publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/viewed-users/

Register a user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/

Register commented article for user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/commented-articles/{ArticleId}/

Register searched article by a user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-articles/{ArticleId}/

Register searched topic by a user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-topics/{TopicId}/

Register viewed article by a user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/viewed-articles/{ArticleId}/

Register viewed user by a user.

Endpoint: POST publichistory-service/users/{ViewerUserId}/viewed-users/{ViewedUserId}/

Remove viewed user by a user.

Endpoint: DELETE publichistory-service/users/{ViewerUserId}/viewed-users/{ViewedUserId}/

Remove commented article by a user.

Endpoint: DELETE publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/commented-articles/{CommentedArticleId}/

Remove searched article data by a user.

Endpoint: DELETE publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-articles/{SearchedArticleDataId}/

Remove searched topic data by a user.

Endpoint: DELETE publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/searched-topics/{SearchedTopicDataId}/

Remove viewed article by a user.

Endpoint: DELETE publichistory-service/users/{UserId}/viewed-articles/{ViewedArticleId}/